每日一歌: Alice the Camel

2023-05-10 14:56:27


歌曲介绍/About the song

        "Alice the Camel" (骆驼爱丽丝) 是一首既有趣又极有教学意义的英文童谣。

        歌曲中小动物们轮番出现,每只小动物的名字与这种动物名称的首字母都是相同的,例如 r--Rubby the rabbit, s--Sally the sloth, f--Felix the fox, l--Lilly the ladybug, a--Andy the ant, l--Larry the lizard 以及 s--Sammy the spider。

        学唱这首歌谣,孩子们不仅能够熟练掌握数字1-8的英文,熟悉不同动物的名称和它们的外形特点, 还可以通过它练习自然拼读(Phonics)



Alice the camel has 1 hump (驼峰)

Alice the camel has 1 hump

Alice the camel has 1 hump

Go Alice go!

Ruby the rabbit has 2 ears 

Ruby the rabbit has 2 ears 

Ruby the rabbit has 2 ears 

Go Ruby go!

Sally the sloth has 3 toes 

Sally the sloth has 3 toes 

Sally the sloth has 3 toes 

Go Sally go!

Felix the Fox has 4 legs

Felix the Fox has 4 legs

Felix the Fox has 4 legs

Go Felix go!

Lilly the ladybug has 5 spots

Lilly the ladybug has 5 spots

Lilly the ladybug has 5 spots

Go Lilly go!

Andy the ant has 6 legs 

Andy the ant has 6 legs 

Andy the ant has 6 legs 

Go Andy go!

Larry the lizard has 7 stripes

Larry the lizard has 7 stripes

Larry the lizard has 7 stripes

Go Larry go!

Sammy the spider has 8 legs 

Sammy the spider has 8 legs 

Sammy the spider has 8 legs 

Go Sammy go!


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