文献 | 声音动作疗育:爱的信息(下)

2023-05-10 14:56:27


Voice Movement Therapy: A Message of Love     


作者:Christine Isherwood 克里斯汀.伊舍伍德

Alfred Wolfsohn said, “Let me underline that when I speak of singing I do not see it only as an artistic exercise but as a possibility and a means to know oneself and to transform this knowledge into conscious life(Newham, 1997: 36). Through working in VMT, working with the material of the self, through allowing the expression to emerge, people can often come to find their creative selves which may have been tidied away out of sight many years previously. People come to this work and their dreams change, or they start to dream; they may begin to write, or draw, or paint, or remember that they used to love to make things from clay when young and start to sculpt; very many start to write songs, or invigorate their songwriting with new ideas, routes and devices. Through opening up the vocal tract, through using the voice differently, people descend into their creativity anew. Many people have declared they are not creative, that that is for others, and then, to their surprise, they write their first song, and then another, or a performance piece. As the voice moves so, too, their sense of their identity expands and more of them starts to emerge. It’s often like a blossoming.

Alfred Wolfsohn 说, "让我强调一下, 当我谈到唱歌的时候, 我不认为它只是一个艺术活动, 同样也是了解自己并将这种了解转化为生活意识的一种可能性和手段, " (Newham,, 1997)。通过 VMT 进行疗育,对自我进行工作, 通过允许表达发生, 人们往往可以找回之前已经清理远离视线多年的创造性自我。人们来到VMT之后,ta们的梦开始发生改变, 或者ta们开始做梦;ta们可能开始写或画, 或ta们开始记起曾经还小的时候ta们喜欢用泥土做东西, 于是ta们开始雕塑。很多人开始写歌, 或者用新的想法、路径和设备来激发他们的创作。通过开放的声带, 通过不同的声音人们再次沉浸到他们的创造力里面。许多人宣称他们没有创造力, 创造力是属于别人的, 然而让他们惊讶的是, 他们写出了他们的第一首歌, 接着又写出了其他的, 或者是创作出了一个表演作品。随着声音发生变化 他们对自我身份的感知也在扩大, 自我的更多面向开始呈现。这种感觉通常就像鲜花绽放一样。

Children use song to self soothe. When the primary care giver is absent or unavailable to hear, receive or comfort, children coo to soothe themselves. This technique, which came naturally as children exploring ourselves, is something we can all still do. Some friends of mine have a four month old baby who sings himself to sleep every night with a song of his own composition, the same song night after night. I wonder if this is a phenomenon particular to this child or whether this is something which goes on, unnoticed, around the world.




I consider VMT to be political work, political in every sense of the word; a work which enables people to dare to find and reclaim their voices. When we have our voice, then we can be heard, we can make a difference, we can assert ourselves, stand up for others, and be free of ancient histories which can impact upon us so negatively that we fall and collapse in the face of their stories. When we have our voices we can howl our pains, allow out the passage of that which is over, express our joy and unity, and find freedom in the moment.


我认为 VMT ,这是一项使人们敢于寻找和开垦探索自己声音的工作。当我们有了自己的声音那么我们就可以听到我们可以有所作为我们可以维护自己,为他人挺身而出,从而摆脱古代历史的消极影响,否则当我们面对这些故事时,我们将会倒塌崩溃。当我们有了我们的声音我们就可以嚎叫我们的痛苦给过去一个出口, 我们也可以表达我们的喜悦和团结并在当下找到自由。


Every human with vocal capacity being has the capacity to sing. In VMT journeys it’s often as though entering the waking dream, sounding and encountering parts of the self. It is an integral need of humans to create and express ourselves.Through singing we can celebrate, love, lament and express that which cannot be expressed any other way. Our voices sing for the parts of us which have been silenced, mourn those who have passed, sing with joy for those who we have known, those who have survived, those who can live and bring us hope, joy and home.

每个有发声能力的人都有能力歌唱。在 VMT 的旅途中它往往就像进入觉醒的梦倾听以及遇见自我。创造和表达自我是人类必不可少的需要。通过歌唱, 我们可以庆祝、爱、哀悼和表达, 这些是很难用其他方式去表达。我们的声音为我们已经沉默的部分歌唱, 哀悼那些已经逝去的人为那些我们认识的幸存下来的人那些能够生活并带给我们希望、喜悦和家园的人们而欢呼。

This work seeks to help to mend that which is broken, that which is out of sight, hidden, unifying mind and body with the voice. By hearing ourselves we become aware of ourselves in our multiplicity. We do not need to live within a too small frame, with the too small picture of ourselves which so many of us paint. The practice of VMT means to come to know, and welcome, ourselves in whole new ways. Humans are full of surprises. Sometimes unexpected circumstances in people’s lives brings them into contact with new or previously unknown aspects of themselves, and they surprise themselves with who or what they find within in the midst of their ordinary life. Voices too are full of surprise, hosting many interesting sounds. When we reject parts of our voices or label them ugly or unwanted, we are rejecting aspects of ourselves, refusing to hear parts of ourselves which are making themselves visible, heard, emerging from unconsciousness.


VMT的目的是帮助修复那些破损的、看不见的、隐藏的部分,通过声音实现身心的整合。通过倾听自己, 我们就会意识到自己的多样性。我们不需要生活在一个太小的框架内我们太多人都把自己的画像画的太小了。VMT 的实践意味着以全新的方式来了解和欢迎我们自己。人类充满了惊喜。有时候人们生活中意想不到的情境会使他们接触到自己新的或以前不为人知的方面, 他们惊讶于自己在平凡生活中的发现。声音也充满了惊喜, 承载了许多有趣的声音。当我们拒绝我们的部分声音或标签它们是丑陋的或是不想将通过无意识呈现,它要的时候, 我们在拒绝这部分自我, 而我们所拒绝的自我部分将通过无意识地呈现方式使我们去看见它、听见它 。


Through expressing the essence of our lives, compassion increases. When we have heard and welcomed ourselves, then we can appreciate and welcome more and more of others. More and more research finds that singing improves not only our health but our emotional well-being, filling our hearts and making us hope, which in turn increases our happiness in the world and affects everybody else.




Am I so bold as to suggest that we can heal the wounds of our life through giving voice to them? Perhaps. Some of the emotional material expressed through our voice, some of our most scary sounds may contain, facilitate and express that which cannot be expressed in other ways and, conversely, some of our most beautiful, gentle, tender sounds may enable us to also express that which is inexpressible in other ways. Each person has their our own shadow into which parts of their selves not welcomed or appreciated previously, have been stored and left in the dark. We can never know what is in someone’s shadow, or what vocal sounds may exist for them there. Our voices are a direct link to the gods, to the heavens, to the depths, and to ourselves. Our vocal register is extensive, vastly in excess of that which most of us use in our daily life.




In VMT we know that creativity is for everyone, not only for a hierarchy of gifted people, musicians, painters and so on. When I was growing up and declared, at age 6, that I would be a singer when I grew up, I was told it “was not for people like us”. My father had lived through World War 2, worked in a factory, had been taught his place and knew it was not OK to dream. So many have had their creative impulses quashed or quelled. Many have become so demoralised they have no connection with their innate creativity. What I discover through this work is that everyone has their own songs to sing, their art to make; which is not to suggest that everyone will become successful artists, but how much happier we feel when we are making, creating, singing, loving, being in tune with and fashioning from the roots of our souls.


VMT中,我们知道创造力适合每个人,不仅仅适用于有天赋的人,音乐家,画家等等。 当我在6岁时成长并宣布我长大后会成为一名歌手时,我被告知不适合像我们这样的人。 我的父亲曾经历过第二次世界大战,在一家工厂工作,他被教育说有梦想是不好的。许多人已经将他们的创造性的冲动推翻或平息。许多人变得士气低落,与他们与生俱来的创造力失去联结。通过VMT我发现,每个人都可以唱自己的歌曲、创作属于自己的艺术。这并不是说每个人都会成为成功的艺术家,但是当我们从灵魂的根源中去生产、创造、歌唱、爱,去追寻时尚,我们会感到多么快乐啊。


The world over song, has been used to hold onto the self, to hold onto hope when it may seem as though all hope is lost: there are slave songs where directions, timings and possible routes are conveyed through song; in prison and factory songs are found discontent, longing and endurance. And what a blessing to be in Australia, a country founded upon and understood through song; the Songlines forming the basis of the whole country and peoples. The Aboriginal peoples were in some ways so far in advance conceptually, spiritually and psychically of the Europeans who came and who, through lack of understanding, greed and ego, trampled upon their whole world. There are many examples of the power and use of song in different countries and cultural contexts. Through singing, tales of loss and pain when griefs have become too great to bear can become more manageable. As Alice Miller said, “It’s not the trauma’s in childhood which makes us emotionally ill but the inability to express the trauma.” (Miller, 1993:129)


当看起来似乎所有的希望都失去了时,歌曲的世界可以让你坚守自我、保持希望。有一些奴隶歌曲中,歌曲传达着方向、时间和可能的路线。,人们可以从歌声中听到不满、渴望和忍耐。生活在澳大利亚这样一个通过歌声建立和通过歌声来理解的国家,是多么幸福啊!这些歌曲构成了整个国家和民族的基础。在某些方面,土著民族在概念上、精神上和心理上都远远领先于欧洲人,这些欧洲人由于缺乏理解,由于他们的贪婪和自我,践踏了他们的整个世界。在不同的国家和文化背景下,有许多歌曲的力量和用法的例子。通过歌唱失去和痛苦的故事,那些无法忍受的悲伤可以变得更容易处理。正如Alice Miller 所说:并不是儿童时期的创伤让我们的情绪生病,而是无法表达创伤使然Miller1993129


VMT is different for each person. Transforming inner worlds into sound is a deepening, widening process, amplifying contents of the unconscious. By working within the artistic framework we can rescue ourselves from despair and unconsciousness; regaining or gaining a voice through singing we can reclaim or rediscover our soul. Through this medium we can ground ourselves in the reality of our being and free some of the places where we are chained, caged, confined. Like animals in captivity, we can begin to listen to what it is we cry out for, sounding in the place where the cognitive and instinctual meet.


VMT 对每个人来说都是不同的。将内在世界转化为声音是一个深化、扩大的过程, 是对无意识内容的放大。通过在艺术框架内工作我们可以从绝望和无意识中拯救自己。通过歌唱来恢复或获得声音我们可以收回或找回我们的灵魂。通过这一媒介我们可以在现实中立足于我们的存在释放掉我们曾经被束缚、囚禁、禁锢的部分。就像圈养的动物一样, 我们可以开始倾听我们呼喊的东西在认知和本能相遇的地方发声。



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