寓言故事MP3 | 《骆驼的难题》

2023-05-10 14:56:27




 24 July 2018

In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety.

– Abraham Maslow, Psychologist



An“ Unsolvable” Problem


Lynn 译

A father left 17 camels as an asset for his three sons. When he passed away, his sons opened up the will.

一位父亲将17 头骆驼作为遗产留给他的3 个儿子。他去世后,儿子们打开了遗嘱。

The will of the father stated that the eldest son should get half of the 17 camels, the middle son should be given one-third and the youngest son should be given one-ninth of the 17 camels.


As it is not possible to divide 17 by 2, by 3, or by 9, the three sons started to fight with each other. Finally, they decided to go to a wise man for help.

因为17 根本无法被2,3 以及9 整除,所以3 个儿子开始为此争吵不休。最终,他们决定到一位智者那里寻求帮助。

The wise man listened patiently about the will, thought for a while, brought one camel of his own and added it to the 17 camels, making the total number 18.


Now, he started reading the deceased father’s will. Half of 18 is 9, so he gave the eldest son 9 camels; one third of 18 is 6, so he gave the middle son 6 camels; oneninth of 18 is 2, so he gave the youngest son 2 camels.

接着,他开始念那位死去的父亲的遗嘱。18 的二分之一是9,于是他给了大儿子9 头骆驼;18 的三分之一是6,于是他给了二儿子6 头骆驼;18 的九分之一是2,于是他给了小儿子两头骆驼。

Now add this up: 9 plus 6 plus 2 is 17 and this left one camel, which the wise man took back.

现在把这些数字加起来:9 加6 再加2,是17,智者于是牵回了余下的那头骆驼。

The attitude of negotiation and problem solving is to find the 18th camel, that is to say, the common ground.

协商及解决问题的态度就是要找到第18 头骆驼,也就是共同立场。如果一个人能够找到共同立场,问题便迎刃而解了。

Once a person is able to find the common ground, the issue is resolved. It is difficult at times. However, to reach a solution, the first step is to believe that there is a solution. If we think that there is no solution, we won’t be able to solve the problem.



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