【空间站】现场 | 脆弱 — 蓼萧、匡峻双人展

2023-05-10 14:56:27

脆弱—蓼萧 & 匡峻双人展

The Fragility of Matter—Lu Xiao & Kuang Jun Joint Exhibition

艺术家 | Artist:蓼萧 | Lu Xiao、匡峻 | Kuang Jun

日期 | Exhibition Time:2018.8.31-10.7

地点 |  Venue : 空间站 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号798艺术区中一街 | Space Station, NO.4 Jiuxianqiao Rd, 798 Art District, Beijing








匡峻 | Kuang Jun

裝飾中的修辭- 贖罪-10

Decorative Metaphor - Atonement – 10

玻璃 , 不锈钢 | Glass, Steel




匡峻 | Kuang Jun

裝飾中的修辭- 贖罪-8

Decorativ Metaphor - A tonement – 8

玻璃, 鐵 | Glass, iron

120×100cm x 2




匡峻 | Kuang Jun

裝飾中的修辭- 贖罪-12

Decorative Metaphor - Atonement – 12

玻璃 , 不锈钢 | Glass, Steel





蓼萧 | Lu Xiao

无足轻重的- 系列| Insignificant - series

布面油画 | Oil on canvas





匡峻 | Kuang Jun

裝飾中的修辭- 贖罪-11

Decorative Metaphor - Atonement – 11

玻璃 , 不锈钢 | Glass, Steel






匡峻 | Kuang Jun

裝飾中的修辭- 贖罪-13

Decorative Metaphor - Atonement – 13

玻璃 , 不锈钢 | Glass, Steel







匡峻 | Kuang Jun

裝飾中的修辭- 贖罪-15

Decorative Metaphor - Atonement – 15

玻璃 , 不锈钢 | Glass, Steel



匡峻 | Kuang Jun

裝飾中的修辭- 贖罪-14

Decorative Metaphor - Atonement – 14

玻璃 , 不锈钢 | Glass, Steel







蓼萧 | Lu Xiao

容器 | Container

布面油画 | Oil on canvas



The Fragility of Matter: Lu Xiao & Kuang Jun JointExhibition

   As Hegel put it, “Being self-conscious is being conscious.” Reflectionson self-consciousness are based on the external other, and self-consciousnessis the reflection of consciousness, the knowledge about oneself, which isdifferent from the knowledge of objects. Self-consciousness is self-determination, and recognition, but this determination is based on the other.Ignored the external world, it is the determination of pure egotism, fallinginto psychological narcissism and leading to an abnormal mental state. If theego is never recognized from without, the ego cannot form its ownself-consciousness, losing its raisond’etre, but may lead to schizophrenia. Hegelian reason is faced with a greatrisk - an abnormal environment would cast a huge psychological shadow overself-consciousness so that it is difficult to form self-determination. The egobecomes a conscious self-deception. One definitely knows this is “the ego”, butregards not it as “the ego”; however, regarding “the ego” as an object, onethinks of it as “the ego”. Consciousness contradictorily accepts thisself-deception structure. According to Jacques Lacan’s psychoanalytic theory,the subject can enter into the symbolic order only by The Other’s naming andbecomes the subject of language and of meaning. In the face of The Other withchangeable, capricious, collapsed values of the external world, the loss of adefinite reference system, the determination and construction of the individualfaces a natural predicament.

In the rejuvenation of terrorists in Europe, it can be seen thatparticipants are experiencing a lack of external identification and a sense ofinternal deprivation. The claim by Mohamed Mera that you love life and I lovedeath has become a motto of terrorism. These young people cannot find their ownidentities and positions in a society; they would rather get a social positionthrough suicide and murder, becoming a martyr, indeed a “hero” in theircommunity. They would rather choose to die than continue to live in“emptiness”. In Lacan’s theory, if one cannot find the meaning of his existencein his speech and cannot be the subject of the speech, and if the speech cannotgive him the meaning of existence and the meaning is excluded from hisexistence, the significance which is absent from his speech will return toreality until it appears in the death of the subject. In our time, that themeanings are excluded means they cannot enter into the symbolic order of neoliberalismand capitalism.

With the value system in China rapidlychanging, covering, and superimposing, the younger generation that has grown uphas become the most flexible one, who can give up and adjust their values atany time. That “All that is solid melts into air - Marxism and modernization”is not only a theory but also a symbol and slogan of the era. Whether thelandscape of changing values, or the clumsy fertility policy, from politicalideals to commercial worship and to scientific and technological beliefs, thesubjectivity of mankind in a capitalist and neoliberal society consists in thematerialized subject - what success or self-esteem is is definedin terms of how much the subject possesses in the mainstream social materialform. Neoliberalism built on the structures of exclusive narcissismoveremphasizes individual freedom and identity, distancing one from others andhence resulting in a scattered society of atomization. The sick expression oflove in the neoliberal is that by returning itself with loving others, and itis a narcissistic love, unable to love others. The individual is closer to the“narcissistic subject” and captured by his narcissistic passion. His freedom isalso largely limited by his self-image. The only way to break away from hisself-image and narcissism is language, because it is a third party relative tothe subject and the self-image, which can separate them and hence gives thesubject freedom. You can use your language to change your relationship to thepast and free yourself. We are trapped in narratives of our own and familyhistory, but they are actually alienated by meaning. It is probable that we candetach from this alienation, as Heidegger put it, “language is the home of existence.”

Kuang Jun has fallen in love with thecathedral glass from the beginning of learning sculpture. He once stood in thefront of the original works in the V&A museum for a long time in 2013. Whatattracted him were not the religious attributes of those works but thecharacteristics of that kind of form and content that brought him peace anddeep spiritual pleasure, which were abstracted from religious teachings. Overthe years Kuang has been exploring the relationship that glass could be withhim. Glass, a kind of hard and fragile material that reflects its ownreflections, has complex production technology with which he has a particularfeeling - “There are lots of tiny cracks on a piece of knocked glass, and itwill be nervous and fear when I see them. After handling, there still be this kindof emotion. The potential emotion attached to this material makes him addictedto it.



蓼萧 | Lu Xiao

人体台灯 | Human Body Lamp

布面油画 | Oil on canv as



匡峻 | Kuang Jun

裝飾中的修辭- 贖罪-9

Decorative Metaphor - Atonement – 9

玻璃, 鐵 | Glass, iron



The window frame used in Decorative Metaphor - Atonement 8 isthat left by the modernization during the 1970s-80s. After decades ofturbulence, it was abandoned in the new round of urban construction. Just asthe song Little Swallow represented the optimism and enthusiasm of thegeneration of the 1970s, who was full of enthusiasm and hope for theconstruction of New China, all of this seems like an abandoned iron window,unsettling. People of the 1970s carried the burden of collectivism when talkingabout “our generation”. At that time, this kind of things was really true, andthey really believed in the future and devoted their lifelong enthusiasm to therounds of construction.


His Broken Glass seems to be fragile, but when it becomes a symbol, it allowspeople to recognize and accept this vulnerability and brings about power. Windcould blow out the candle, and also make it burn more. Kuang accepts his ownfragility - the fragility of his generation. He sincerely confronts the inner,truthfully expresses emotions, and calmly faces audiences. “Fragility” and“powerfulness” seem to be opposite but symbiotic. It is because of weaknessthat they will produce armor. Joy without bearing pain is just like morningdew, and belief that has not experienced the hardship is hard to resisterosion.

Lu Xiao’s inspiration comes from ways: people and things experienced inlife or daily-accumulated reading. She digs into the things she feels, andindulges in the fun of “forms”. Seeing broken sculptures, she feels that she isparticularly fit for her life, so she creates the series of Container. She says, “As we live, wefeel the cracks more and more in our lives. It is difficult to be perfect. Invarious relationships and cognition, changes have become the only constantthing. But people have a primitive impulse, the feeling of wanting to protectthe beautiful things, just like that of glass that Kuang describes.” Her Container is a broken sculpture butstill makes us feel a solid connection with the sense of eternity that youcould find in Greco-Roman sculptures. Lu believes that our body itself is acontainer, fragile but not give in easily. This generation suffers from trauma,fragile but still tenacious, different from the strength of rigid and mighty,this power is quite soft and tenacious. Human nature indeed is fragile.Although imperfect, it retains the “truth”. She says, “I choose the Greco-Romansculpture because it is closer to people than Chinese sculpture. Just assomething is not so strongly directed, I can fill with my own life, that is, astrong kind of knowledge. Cut by the time, sculptures were broken, only a fewlimbs left, but the more it is the more we can feel the spirit in it.”

匡峻 | Kuang Jun

允許為人- 2

Allowed to be Human -2

紫銅, 鐵 | Redcopper, iron

200 x 62 x 42cm

2/2 版


A Room is a purely sensual work. There is no specificstory but a description of personal states. That is a bearer of emotionalmemory and has also been influenced by the great times. But the Container is coming out, out ofdependence - the urgency to find something to fill. Now Lu transforms throughpainting, and look back on herself retrospectively, showing this vulnerabilityto call for strength. This transformation may involve Lu’s being a mother. Themeaning of the fragility in a girl is completely different from that in amother. “Woman is weak in herself, but a mother is strong.” Lu’s works have aunique and sad aesthetic appeal, fragile but full of hope. Freud said thatpsychoanalysis couldn’t tell what a woman is but how a little girl becomes awoman. Women have completed a specific social role in the construction ofsociety and in the expectations of others. Lu tries to show that women are notthe objects of male’s imagination; rather, women have their own identity andtheir own body recognition, integrating their physical consciousness into thestruggle with the male. Feminism attempts to get rid of the male-made socialimage of women and refuses to accept some settings imposed on the female by themale.

匡峻 | Kuang Jun

允許為人- 2

Allowed to be Human -2

紫銅, 鐵 | Redcopper, iron

200 x 62 x 42cm

2/2 版


Fragility is both a social landscape and an individual phenomenon.Regardless of how the world and society are, we all need to be responsible forthe choice of our own lifestyle and subjectivity. With values fallen apart inthe neoliberal contemporary capitalism, how to re-use language to define andbuild ourselves, and how to tell our desires from the construction of TheOther? Turning towards desire or deviating from it? At this point, we are stillthe subjects of free choice.



1981 年生于黑龙江省

2002—2006 年就读于清华大学美术学院油画系

2006 《优秀毕业生作品展》何香凝美术馆( 深圳)


2007 《聚沙塔》新锐绘画展并获三等奖,炎黄艺术馆(北京)

2008    合作奥赛画廊(上海)

2009 《发现》当代艺术展,铸造艺术馆,(北京)


2009 《东西对话---- 第三届中德艺术联展》(北京德国柏林耶拿大学美术馆)

2009 《双生》蓼萧个展(上海奥赛画廊)

2010 《未来大明星》艺术展(台湾)

2012 《鸾凤齐鸣》群展, 树美术馆(北京)



2014 《旋构塔》青年艺术家推荐展,时代美术馆(北京)


2014 《超越快乐原则》十方画廊个展(台北)



2015 《天天向上》烟台美术馆巡展,烟台美术馆(烟台)

2015 《回归》北京山水美术馆(北京)

2015 《大爱无疆》香港首届国际女性艺术展,


2016 《意与象》三人展,西五画廊(北京)



2017 《墙势力:墙报艺术家联展》时代美术馆,(北京)

          《蓼萧个人项目:摇篮曲》 M studio,(北京)

2018 《脆弱》蓼萧、匡峻双人展,空间站,(北京)

Lu Xiao

Born in 1981 in Heilongjiang Province.

2002 - 2006 studied at Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University and majored in Oil Painting.

2006 "Outstanding Graduate Exhibition" He Xiangning Art Museum ,(Shenzhen),

in the same year, I cooperated with Jiarui New Art Gallery ,(Beijing)

2007 "Sand Tower" Innovative Painting Exhibition and won the third prize,Yanhuang Art Museum,(Beijing )

2008 cooperated with Orsay Gallery (Shanghai)

2009 "discovery" Contemporary Art Exhibition, (Museum of Art Foundry)

"Future star" Art Exhibition(Taiwan)

2009 took part in "The Third Sino-German Art Exhibition: Cultural Dialogue Between East and West”

(Jena University Art Museum, Berlin, Germany; Beijing)

held Solo Exhibition “Twin”, (Shanghai Orsay GALLERY)

2010 "The Future Superstar" Art Exhibition, (Taiwan)

2012 “Happy Couple Gongs” Group Exhibition which was organized by Tree Art Museum, (Beijing)

"Lost the group exhibition" by Beijing Art Now Gallery,(Beijing)

"Black Bridge Community Artists Exhibition" Mizuma Art Gallery,(Beijing)

2014 "Spin Structure Tower" Young Artists Exhibition ,(Beijing Times Art Museum)

"Portrait of progress" Exhibition ,(Beijing Times Art Museum)

"Beyond the Pleasure Principle" Solo Exhibition organized by Galerie Ovo Art Gallery, (Taiwan)

"Every day" Master Recommend Exhibition, (Beijing Zhuzhong Art Museum)

"Hermit" Contemporary Art Exhibition, (Beijing Today Art Museum)

2015 "Every Day" Art Tour held by Yantai Art Museum

"Return" by Beijing Landscape Art Museum ,(Beijing)

“Love Without Border” by First International Women Art Exhibition in Hong Kong, (Hong Kong City Hall)

"Wall power" Poster Artists Invitational Exhibition, (Today Art Museum, Beijing)

2016 "Ideas and Images" Exhibition, an exhibition for three artists ,(Beijing C5 Art Gallery)

“Awareness”Exhibition,An exhibition for six artists, (Beijing CIGE)

“Beyong the peong pavilion: An exhibition of contemporary female Chinese artists” St Petersburg National

Museum, (Russia)

2017 "Wall power" Poster Artists Invitational Exhibition,” Times Art Museum,(Beijing)

“Lu Xiao Art Project” M studio, Beijing

"Fragile" Lu Xiao & Kuang Jun Double Exhibition,Space Station,(Beijing)

2018“THR FRAGILITY OF MATTER",Space Station,Beijing


1978 年出生于江西萍乡

1997 年-2002 年就读于中央美术学院雕塑系。

2002 年-2014 年与谭天炜 , 刘展以“UNMASK”为名,进行艺术创作。目前工作生活于北京。


2014   《装饰中的修辞-赎罪”》匡峻个展, 谷公馆, 台湾/台北

2011   《血拼Shopping - UNMASK2011》个展 , 北京唐人艺术中心 , 中国/北京

2010   《Flash memory》H.T. 画廊,北京

2009   《0°—UNMASK 个展》 别处空间 , 中国/ 北京

2006   《UNMASK2002-2006》个展 , 帝门画廊, 中国/北京


2018   《脆弱》蓼萧、匡峻双人展,空间站,中国/北京

2013   《汉江繁星计划:渐- 2013 青年艺术家研究展》 今日美术馆,北京/ 武汉美术馆,武汉

2009   《超级玩具”》ARNOLFINI 当代艺术中心,布里斯托尔,英国

2008   《China Design Now》英国国立V&A 博物馆, 英国/伦敦

2005   《蒙比利埃中国当代艺术双年展”》蒙比利埃,法国


Kuang Jun

KuangJun was born in Jiangxi China in 1978 ,graduated from Sculpture Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2002,and formed “UNMASK”with Tan TianWei LiuZhan from 2002 to 2014, now live in Beijing as a artist.

Solo exhibitions:

2014 “Decorative Metaphor - Atonement” Gu Gallery, Taibei

2011 “Shopping-UNMASK 2011” Tang Contemporary Art , Beijing

2010 “Flash memory” H.T.Gallery, Beijing

2009 “0°- UNMASK 2009” Beyond Art Space, Beijing

2006 “ UNMASK 2002-2006 ” Dimensions Art Center, Beijing


2018“THR FRAGILITY OF MATTER",Space Station,Beijing

2017 "Fragile"Lu Xiao&Kuang Jun Double Exhibition,Space Station ,Beijing

2013 “Jiang Han Star Plan:gradualness—2013 Young Artists Research

Exhibition” Today Art Museum, Beijing/Wuhan Museum,Wuhan

2009 “Super Toy” Aniline Art Center, Bristol, UK

2008 “China Design Now” V&A Museum, London

2005 “Montpellier Chinese Art Biennale” Montpellier, France

“Get It Louder” Shenzhen/Shanghai/Beijing



T: +86 10 59789671 

W: www.space-station-art.com 

E: spacestationart@163.com

地址:空间站 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号798艺术区中一街

Venue: Space Station,NO.4 Jiuxianqiao Rd,798 Art District,Beijing 100015


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